How to 'Create' Content and Control the Upstream Narrative
I get asked a lot by peeps out there - 'can I use your content?' and 'how can I share your content?' and 'where do you get your content?', etc. I'm going to share with you my approach to CONTENT and my strategy so maybe you can incorporate in some way.

To me, there are three primary forms of CONTENT creation and they flow from UPSTREAM to DOWNSTREAM in terms of impact.
UPSTREAM: CREATE - that's when you stare at a blank screen (or sheet of paper) and plea with the gods to make something happen. It's you intersecting with a moment and telling a story, or sharing an experience or knowledge or wisdom (or creating software or art) or anything that only you are equipped to do as the source at that time. You share it with the world as the CREATor.
MIDSTREAM: COMMENT - that's when you see a cool piece of art, or writing or whatever and you want to share it, but you have something to add. You have a unique perspective that your experience or wisdom can amplify the work of another person. You share the work that was created UPSTREAM and you COMMENT on that work so that the value primarily comes from you. You share it with the world as the COMMENTor, and make sure you give credit to the 'CREATor'
DOWNSTREAM: CURATE - that's when you see a piece of work, and you retweet. or share on social media. It has value in that your selecting it and then sharing it will add some value in the association of your work with work that came further UPSTREAM. It is the fastest way to share CONTENT and your main investment is the time it takes to read/review and then share. People learn from the CONTENT, but they don't learn what you know, they simply learn from the content. You share it with the world as the CURATor, and make sure you give credit to the 'CREATor'.
TIP: Most of us have done a little of all three of these, but I believe you want to move as far upstream as you can. Bang for the buck - MIDSTREAM - COMMENT is the highest reward for time spent. CREATE takes a lot of time, and you need not only subject matter expertise, you have to learn the system and tools to build and distribute. Make sure when you COMMENT you link back to the CREATOR - that's not cool. CURATE is kind of lazy - as adding your own thoughts as a COMMENT allows you to be a CREATOR by adding value only you can add to something you feel is worth sharing and it moves you upstream. I have no problem with lazy, just worth a little extra effort to get a bigger return.
TIP: Whenever possible move as far UPSTREAM as you can in full or in parts as your time, ability and interest makes possible.
You can use this content on the blog in any of these ways: all we ask is that you have a nod to: if you Curate or Comment.
Example: Rob Chrisman is a prolific blogger and in his report he does a blend of all three of these, he Creates, he Comments and he Curates.
Example: Keeping Current Matters, Plug and Play and groups acts as your Creator, branding it as if its from you so you appear as the Creator. They do this by curating from source materials like the NAR, but they ultimately also do all three.
Example: Mortgage Coach provides software that incorporates you and your branding and allows you to Create and Comment on what's important to the consumer to keep you upstream of other lenders.