Is Data the new Defining Input in the next Mortgage Age?
In Carlota Perez's book - Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital she talks about key inputs that are the fuel of change. These inputs have the potential to facilitate new economic and social models. The four key inputs are: technological innovation, organizational changes, financial investment and institutional framework. In her book, she explains how these inputs interact with each other, creating a dynamic cycle that furthers economic development. To put it simply, this means that improvements in any one of these aspects can lead to improvements in others, which in turn can create a more successful economy. Therefore, understanding these inputs and how they interact is essential for economic success.
It is also important to understand the implications of technological revolutions on financial capital. Financial resources are necessary for any business or industry, as capital is needed to purchase equipment, hire personnel, and acquire resources. Technology has greatly impacted how businesses access capital, providing new methods for accessing it such as crowdfunding and venture capital. In addition to these opportunities, technology has also enabled businesses to more easily analyze financial data, making them more profitable and efficient.
That said let's look at her model of major periods of transformation:

Each new cycle (about 50 years on average) has a new major input. Iron was a major input for the Industrial Revolution, then Steam for the Steam and Railway Revolution, and then Steel for the Industrial Revolution, and then Oil for the Automotive Revolution and Electronics were the input for the Technological Revolution that began in 1971.
Do the math - 1971 + 50 = 2021... we have possibly started a new major age?
If AI is the start (catalyst) for firing off the imagination and financial attraction of a new age, then what is the key input of this new age? DATA.
I'll repeat: These inputs have the potential to facilitate new economic and social models. The four key inputs are: technological innovation, organizational changes, financial investment and institutional framework.
TIP: Regardless of your size, sole proprietor or large organization - you need to weekly make technological innovations (how you use technology), small organizational changes (how you work), financial investment (how you invest in yourself), and institutional framework (how you partner and work with others).