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the Borrow Smart BLOG
The Borrow Smart Chronicles


1 min read
Some Favorite AI Tools by Category
The research category is new to me, but I'm finding helpful when writing quick posts or summaries. Personal Assistant/AI Tools: ChatGPT -...

1 min read
How To Do Great Work? Working with and coaching students, adults and even retirees, this question comes up in many ways....

1 min read
What is the Purpose of Life?
Stan Hayward turns this around for us, in a lovely poem. I've taken the liberty of using AI and turning his poem into a video.

2 min read
Do you know how to surf the AI wave? You better learn...
We don't know what the future may look like, but I bet it's going to look more like this than we might expect: (image of housekeeper...

2 min read
Doing More with Less - AI for lending and real estate!
When is less more? When you can use less time to provide a greater output. Technology has already been doing this for us, but the...

1 min read
Think Different - We're Just Getting Started...
This has been an amazing journey, being in a position to learn the lending industry, the financial advice industry and the real estate...

1 min read
Will Money Make You Happy?
We have a common denominator in what we do with our precious life energy... Realtors, Lenders, Financial Advisors all interact with...

2 min read
How Will You ThrAIve in the Future?
Yes, it's a typo, but with all the concern about AI eating our lunch (it can't by the way as far as I can tell)... McKinsey maps out key...

2 min read
WAIT - Why Am I Talking?
Wow, ever just hear a concept and have it stop you in your tracks... Wait for it! Pun intended here, but It was something (as legend has...

5 min read
AI Tools for the Real Estate and Lending Industry
Since I get questions about what I use, etc. I'm going to start a directory here of my favorite tools by category. I'll update these...

2 min read
Is Data the new Defining Input in the next Mortgage Age?
In Carlota Perez's book - Technological Revolutions and Financial Capital she talks about key inputs that are the fuel of change. These...

1 min read
AI - Additional Intelligence
I was asked by one of our students to do a quick overview on this AI presentation that they might be able to share with industry...

2 min read
'IF-' Rudyard Kipling
Upon reflection of the 2022 year that is ending - this seems a solid reminder from Rudyard Kipling - a poem that stands the test of time...

2 min read
Personal Growth is a Stair Climb
When you do anything new, learn any new skill, you do it with an understanding that it would be easier to do nothing. Or is that true? ...

2 min read
Lion of Lyin?
The worst thing we can do to ourselves is start lyin' to ourselves. There is a big difference between a Lion and Lyin'. We could say...

2 min read
Same Storm - Different Boats
Illustration: Barbara Kelley There's an old saying 'we are in the same boat' and it means we are in the same situation. Damian Barr...

2 min read
What do you see?
I've talked about the RAS in more detail, but we all see things very differently based on our experiences over time. Those experiences...

2 min read
A Beginner's Mind - Working with Advisors
In the beginner's mind, there are many possibilities, but in the expert's mind, there are few. Suzuki Beginners mind is like beginners...

2 min read
Thinking About the Rock That's Not In My Shoe
"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world because they'd never...

2 min read
The Interwhat?
What's it really feel like to be presented with a new concept? Let's listen to a panel of experts that have no place (mentally) to put...

1 min read
Saving Early and Being Consistent => Wealth
There are many simple things that are easy to remember that can help you teach others about powerful financial concepts. We've shared...

2 min read
Food, Clothing, Transportation, Shelter
In our series here, the 'Life Literacy' aspects of these posts will tend to focus on Esteem and Self-actualization. When it comes to our...

2 min read
Are You Watching Others Change?
Am I the one who is changing, or do I find myself watching others change? Change is hard, and one of my favorite definitions of a...
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